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Return to Work with ConnectSmart for the Best Routes, Alerts, Rewards, and More!

 ConnectSmart App showcase image.

A Smarter Way to Get Around the Houston Region

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Easily connect multiple modes of transportation together into one convenient trip

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Carpool with co-workers, family, friends, and more

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Connect to the Houston region’s 1,800 miles of bike lanes

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Access Tow and Go’s no-cost emergency roadside services

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Earn Rewards and gift cards to your favorite stores and restaurants

Join us in the effort to beat Houston traffic!

What Our Partners Say

Tailored to Your Needs

Your travel schedule, habits, and preferences are unique to you – and your travel app should be too.

ConnectSmart Partners

logo - TDXDOT
logo - Fort bend
Logo - Metro
logo - FHWA
Logo - HGAC
Logo - Tow and Go
logo - city of houston
logo - Harris country transit
logo - conroe connection
Logo - Transtar
logo - Woodlands
Technology / Data
logo - Metropia
Logo - City of Houston
Logo - Transtar
Logo - Park Houston
Logo - applied
Logo - CTR
Logo - Intrix
Logo - Smarking
Logo - AWS
Logo - HGAC
Logo - Metro
Logo - Texas A&M
Logo - Bytemark
Logo - HNTB
Logo - mindhop
Logo - Tow and Go
Logo - Uber
Logo - Hillday
Logo - ICF
Logo - ion
Logo - Rice_University.png
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